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Digital religion, religious organisations, neo-institutionalism, religion, public and media, quantitative and qualitative social science.
Since 2022: research associate at the Institut für Kommunikationswissen und Medienforschung (IKMZ) at the University of Zurich, in the UFSP: ‘Digital Religion(s)’
Since 2022: research associate at the fög – Forschungszentrum Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft
2018-2022: doctoral thesis on ’Kroatisch, Katholisch, Konservativ – Erwartungen an und Legitimität von religiösen Organisationen in der Schweiz und Deutschland’
2018-2021: Research associate at the Department of Religious Studies at the Faculty of Culture and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne, in the project: ‘Religious & Social Identity in Civic Society’
2015-2018: Studies in Religion-Economics-Politics at the University of Zurich
2011-2014: Studies in Religious Studies and Communication Science & Journalism at the University of Zurich
Since 2022: UFSP ‘Digital Religion(s)’ – religious organisations in the public sphere. Communication and reputation in times of digital change
2018-2021 RESIC – ‘Religion and Social Identity in Civil Society’ – SNF / DFG project
Expert and review activities for the journals Social Compass
Member of the Digital Society Initiative (UZH)
Rieser, Rebekka (2024). Kroatisch, katholisch, konservativ Kroatische Missionen in Deutschland und der Schweiz. transcript Verlag.
Fürst, Silke; Rieser, Rebekka Sarah (2023). Einstellungen gegenüber Medien. In: fög - Forschungszentrum Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft. Qualität der Medien: Jahrbuch 2023. Basel: Schwabe, 143-150.
Udris, Linards; Rivière, Maude; Rieser, Rebekka Sarah; Vogler, Daniel; Eisenegger, Mark (2023). Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023. Länderbericht Schweiz. Zürich: Forschungszentrum Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft (fög).
EASR 21 – Presentation
» Title: The power of myths: Institutional myths re-evaluated to provide religious identity and organizational continuity - A case of the Croatian Catholic church in Germany and Switzerland
ISSR 21 - Presentation
» Title: Sitting on the fence - keeping organizational legitimacy and longevity - A case of the Croatian Catholic church in Germany and Switzerland.
DVPW 21– Co-organisation and Presentation
» Theme: „Fehlt der Grundkonsens“
» Several contributions on Croatian Catholic diaspora, social identity and effects on society.
ISSR /BCN 19 – Presentation
» Title: Religious Minority Communities as Places of Social Identity Formation. New Qualitative Research on the Meso-level in Germany & Switzerland.
2021: Guest Presentation University of Zürich
» Theme: „Religion und Migration“
2020: Guest Presentation University of Zurich
» Theme: „Religion und Migration“